Electronic Service of Documents

As you are likely already aware your landlord/management company and their appointed agents are required, either by the terms of your lease/transfer agreement or by statutory rules, to serve documents, including demands, notices, and correspondence, on you by use of the postal system.

In order to comply with those requirements landlords/management companies have traditionally printed all demands, notices, and correspondence and sent these in that printed form to you in normal first-class post. There are two negative sides to this arrangement:

  • There is of course a cost to postage. That cost is funded by the service charge to which you contribute in your proportionate part.
  • By virtue of the provisions of 196 Law of Property Act 1925, demands, notices, and documents served by post in accordance with that provision are deemed served upon you whether or not you live at the property concerned and therefore whether or not they actually come to your attention.

In order to alleviate the above two issues, and also as a means of seeking to streamline the service provided to all owners, we are offering you the opportunity to receive all communication including demands, correspondence, and notices electronically. We are proposing that instead of sending those documents to you in hard copy by post, we provide them to you in a ‘pdf’ format attached to an email sent to an email address that you nominate. You will be able to receive that email wherever you are then located or if you are away and of course will retain an electronic copy of the documents that we have sent to you. All in all, a quicker and arguably safer, more helpful way to receive demands, notices, and other correspondence relating to your property.

In order to put this service in place for you, we require you to ‘opt in’ by completing a form , which we provide a link to and the option to download, at the foot of this note. By opting in you are requesting that all future demands, notices, and correspondence be sent to you by email only and thus no paper copies of the relevant documents will be sent to you by post. You will only receive electronic pdf copies attached to emails sent to your nominated email address.

You do not have to opt in to this service. If you would prefer to receive the above documents by post only then we are very happy to continue with that arrangement and you may simply ignore this note save that you are aware of the offer made.

If you do wish to take advantage of and opt in to this service then we will require you to complete the form in which you and your landlord/management company (for whom we act as agent) are agreeing:

(a) That any demands, notices, or other documents of any kind that your landlord/management company might serve or be required to serve, through this firm or directly, upon you will only be emailed to your nominated email address and thus no hard copy will be provided by post at your property or any alternative postal address;

(b) That demands, notices, and other documents sent to you by email to your nominated email address will be deemed served 24 hours after they are emailed provided that the Managing Agent has not, by then, received notification that, for some reason, the email and/or attachments have not been safely delivered to your nominated email address. It is therefore most important that you check your “spam” and “junk” email folders on a regular basis so as not to miss any documents served;

(c) That, provided the demands, notices, and other documents are emailed to you by the managing agent or the landlord/management company and no notification of a failure to deliver is received by the sender, you will not subsequently be able to rely upon any assertion that you did not receive, see, or notice the documents so served.

(d) If, within 24 hours of the sending of an email, the sending managing agent or the landlord/management company receive a notification that, for some reason, the email and/or any attachments have not been safely delivered to your nominated email address, then a copy of the demand, notice, or other document will be served upon you by delivering or posting the same to you at the property to which the demand, notice, or other document relates or, where applicable, the postal address in England or Wales to which you last requested such documents to be served. This will amount to good service in place of electronic service whether or not that paper document actually comes to your attention.

You are entitled to opt out of this service at any time and revert to receiving only hard-copy notices and documents sent by post to your property address. Should you wish to opt out you need merely provide that request in writing to us and we will amend your records.

If you wish to proceed, having read the above, then please continue to the form using the link below, or if you would prefer there is also the option to download a printable PDF of the form for completion which can be returned to our offices at:

Generations Property Managment Ltd, First Floor, 195-199 Ansdell Road, Blackpool, FY1 6PE